Well as many of you know I went to Vegas for a lil shoots and fun with some swingers I know, Honey White, Kayla Kleevage, and Claudia Marie.
Day 1:
So I pack up making sure I have everything I need and my girlfriend drops me at SFO for the flight down. Getting thru check in was a total nightmare which is the reason I hate flying out of SFO. I get there and you would have swore i was on the national terrorist list or something. Fools made me go thru the metal detector and then made me to thru the xray scanner and pat me down twice. I think they were trippin cause I was so damn high, I had smoked one of the fattest joints I have ever rolled and smoked it all by myself.
So I get past check in and when I'm walking to the gate I'm to leave from I see about 4 chicks walking toward me looking oh so sexy. 2 were black, 1 was asian and the other white. As they approach me one points at me while she is whispering to another and they mouths drop. I knew I was the topic and smiled. As we cross each other I look back at them and they look back at me. one of the chicks and I got eye contact and I could see she was interested so I wave her over to me and we talked for about 10min. as he friends waited.
At one point during the conversation she asked what I did for a living. I told her I had a 9 to 5 and before I could spit the porn part out she says 'no thats not it, my gf says she knows who you are, you do porn', I say yes and she smiles and asks how big am I. I say I dont know and all of a sudden one of her GFs say 'he's about a foot long real loud and it seems like the whole area we were in heard her and look towards me. I felt like superman
So I say yes i'm about that, at which point she pulls out a pen and writes down her number and tells me she always wanted to get in porn and that her boyfriend says she is a born slut. At that point I'm like WOW. I then ask what does her bf think about that at which point she says he'll never ever know. I ask if she is sure she wanna get into it and she says if she can fuck me she did not care. She asks when I'm gonna call and I tell her as soon as I get back from Vegas. She then asks if I am going to Vegas to gamble or shoot porn. I say porn and she says how she wish she was going. WOW was all I could think. We say our goodbye and she and he girls start to walk. I turn around to get one more look at that juicy white ass and I see her girls giving her a pound. I felt if I was the coolest Mann on earth.
So I continue to make my way to the boarding area and see that they are about to close the door, I just made it. I get on the plane and hear a passenger say its about time. I sit down next to a lil old lady and her husband. They ask me if I was ok cause I was out of breath. I say yes and they ask it gambling was worth rushing to get to LV for. I tell them im not going to gamble, that I'm going to work. They ask what I do and I say make adult movies, at which time both their eyes pop out of their head. I'm sitting there thinking that was the end of the convo but it was not. They ask me what was it like to be a pornstar etc. So I start to tell them how I got into it and all that that entails. As we are talking I notice most of the passengers looking in our direction. next thing I know I'm talking to the whole plane about the ins and outs of porn.That went on the the whole plane ride. At one point the old lady says I should write a book and if I decided to do so she could put me in contact with a friend of her who has had over a dozen books published. She tell me the writer's name but I cant tellyall who it is. Lets just say she writes romance novels and has been on the New York Times best seller list. So the plane lands and I dis board. that was the most interesting plane ride I have ever had. I go to passenger pickup, hook up with my camera man who house I was crashing at. I get to the house and go str8 to bed.
Day 2 tomorrow...gonna be a wild tale
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